
I have been trying to find a weeday to go skiing since last week.  There were lots of rain last week.  It should have tons of snow and idea for skiing.  But my Asia supplier has tighted me up for 4 weeks since beginning of December.  We agree to the terms on mid month but the guy simply can't get the shipment ready soon.  I have been waiting and waiting.  It doesn't look like a high tech Co. but low effeciency one.  Finally he told me it ready for pick up on Thursday Dec. 27.  I arranged the carrier to pick up.  I decided to leave very early next day, Friday for skiing to avoid weekend crowd.  If weekend, you just bump into others everywhere.  It is a 90 minutes drive.  I try to come back at night to follow up to make sure it did get pick up.

I only get to do this 1 season every year, approximately 2~3 months period.  I have to calibrate and fine tune to refresh the skills before go on full length slope.  I want to come down in 1 piece of body.  Every year after winter break,  I used to see 1 or 2 classmates came back with crutches and broken legs.  Skiing is a very healthy sport in whole body exercise.  You need to have a break to catch breath every time come down from a slope.  I did come back in 1 body but not sure the pieces of bones have mutiplied or not.  Although I do feel aching muscles afterward, a soaking hot bath should heal my tired body and bruises quickly.

It cost me $92 for 8 hours including lift ($62) and rental ($30).  Normaly it closes at 4Pm because sunset is earlier in winter.  Some Ski resorts near metropolitan may have slopes equiped with night lights.  I usually can have 10~12 runs each days.  The average cost is low.  A ski beanie ( or mask) and gloves are must under freezing wind and temperature.  It is better to ware ski pant which is double-layer and waterproof.  You won't get pant wet during many falls.  It is also better off to have waterproof and breatheable jacket if you could.

If you are first timer, they have class to teach you with a little bit extra fee ($17) under package deal.  If you take guarantee class, cost about $15 more, you can keep taking class until you get it.  They have about 4 sessions each day.  The best time to learn it is under 10 years old or teenager.  If you know how to skate (ice skating or roller skating), you even pick up very quickly.  Most of them have bunny slope for beginner to pratice.

You can pratice or warm up skills in bunny slope

Snow making machine.  If not enough nature snow, they use these machines to pump out lots of snow during the night after close the resort.

Lift is included in ticket price

Taking a break

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